
How to Create a High Performing Team and Eliminate Turnover

Ended Apr 17, 2020
3 credits

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Full course description

“How to Create a High Performing Team and Eliminate Turnover”


Course Description:  

Challenges with employee drama driving you crazy?

Do you or your team spend more time worrying about gossip than providing an excellent patient experience?  

If so, there are very specific protocols that can turn the office culture around almost immediately.  

If you are ready for a cohesive team that communicates well and has a passion for patient care, this energy-filled course is for you!


Course Objectives:

·      Learn how to bridge in-office communication gaps

·      Learn to create a positive environment and how it directly effects the success of the practice

·      Maximize morning huddles

·      Understand the importance of sincere recognition

·      Practice “20 ways to improve in-office communication when conflict comes”


Suggested Audience: 

Front desk, business team, clinical team


Tracy Civick

is a nationally recognized speaker, coach, and author who focuses on motivating office teams to LOVE WHAT THEY DO!  She helps teams create a cohesive team culture based on respect and communication. Tracy also coaches teams how to build trust with patients as well as implement specific business systems to ensure success with daily tasks such as telephone skills, the patient experience, case acceptance, and A/R management. Her memberships include:  The Academy of Dental Management Consultants and the American Association of Dental Office Management.  When she's not speaking on stage or coaching an office team, Tracy enjoys spending time with her husband, 5 children, and 3 dogs.  She is passionate about Mexican food, nice people, and helping others grow “inside” their box.