Sedation Level 1 *** Part 2
Ended Apr 17, 2020
3 credits
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Full course description
Review Course in Minimal Enteral (Oral) Sedation (Level 1 Sedation)
Webinar Course
Course overview
This course is designed to satisfy the Texas Dental Board requirement for continuing education in minimal enteral sedation (required every 2 years for level 1 minimal sedation permit holders). This course does not qualify a dentist to apply for a new minimal sedation permit. Individuals who complete the course will receive a certificate, which can be submitted to the TSBDE as documentation of continuing education in minimal sedation.
At the end of this course, the participant will have a renewed understanding of the many elements of the safe administration of enteral conscious sedation including:
· Spectrum of sedation and the limits of enteral sedation
· Patient evaluation and appropriate patient selection with an emphasis on recognizing patients at high risk of complications
· Pharmacology of sedative agents including drug interactions and appropriate selection for patients with differing medical conditions
· Appropriate use, limitations of and interpretation of monitors
· Management of urgencies and emergencies especially as they pertain to minimal sedation
· Rules and Regulations of the TSBDE on the administration of minimal enteral sedation
ERNEST B. LUCE, D.D.S., received his D.D.S. degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston in 1985. In June of 1986, he completed a one year General Practice Residency at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Upon completion of the residency, Dr. Luce joined the Department of General Dentistry at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Currently he is a Clinical Associate Professor at the Health Science Center, and he also maintains a part time private practice in general dentistry in San Antonio.
His teaching duties include didactic presentations as well as clinical supervision of graduate general dentistry residents. Dr. Luce served as Head of the Graduate Division of the Department of General Dentistry and Program Director for the General Practice Residency at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio from 1993 to 1999. He also served as the Department Chairman for the Department of Hospital Dentistry, University Hospital, in San Antonio during that same time period. You may contact this author at