
Family CARE Portfolio June 11, 2025 Workshop


$35 Enroll

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Family CARE Portfolio Workshop

This is a live in person workshop

June 11, 2025 8:30-11:30 AM

Hyatt Regency Houston/GalleriaLinks to an external site.


Presenters: Andrea K. Rincones-Hernandez, CHWI and Maria Morales, CHW

Baylor College of Medicine

The Family CARE Portfolio is an organizational tool to help families:

  • Coordinate care among various providers and services
  • Advocate for themselves
  • Record and store important information, and feel
  • Empowered to take charge of their health and wellbeing

The Family CARE Portfolio training would complement the conference theme, Back to Basics: Continuum of Care, very well. This strengths-based organizational tool is a binder designed for families involved in multiple systems. Each section is designed to record or store specific information for all family members that may be needed when interacting with providers and representatives from various systems, including but not limited to substance use treatment and recovery, child welfare, and healthcare and community service providers. The Resource section includes helpful guides, including a script to help families introduce their Portfolio to providers and introduce sensitive topics such as substance use. Families report feeling more organized when using the tool and >50% of participants in our usability and acceptability study report they make it to more appointments than before they had their Portfolio. The Portfolio is adaptable to various settings and is meant to support and highlight the work the family is doing.

The training will include an overview of the development of and research on the tool, an overview of each section of the Portfolio, real-world examples of how the tool is used, case studies, and allow time for implementation planning. At the end of the session, participants will be trained in how to use the tool and will be encouraged to request this tool – available at no charge to organizations providing services to families with a pregnant person and/or young children in Texas.

Proposed outline for a 3-hour pre-conference training:

I. Family CARE Portfolio background (30 minutes)

a. Plan of Safe Care legislation

b. Pilot study

c. Expansion of the tool

II. Portfolio walkthrough – overview of each section (30 minutes)

a. Family Health & Supports

b. Contacts

c. Consent & Release of Information Forms

d. Resources

e. Appointments & After Visit Summaries

f. Accomplishments

g. Notes & Additional Information

III. Acceptability & Usability Study (30 minutes)

a. Study overview & methods

b. Results

IV. Real world examples of Family CARE Portfolio implementation (20 minutes)

V. Case Studies (30 minutes)

VI. Implementation Guide (20 minutes)

a. Key implementation questions

b. Plan to prepare for Family CARE Portfolio implementation

VII. Discussion & questions (20 minutes)

Continuing education credits will be calculated once all presentations are confirmed and the continuing education paperwork are reviewed. 

Continuing Nursing Education:

University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Continuing Social Work Education:

University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio School of Nursing is approved by the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners to provide Social Worker CE.

Continuing Medical Education:

South Coastal Area Health Education Center (SCAHEC) is accredited by the Texas Medical Association (TMA) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

South Coastal Area Health Education Center designates this activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 credit(s) ™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

South Coastal AHEC has been reviewed by Texas Medical Association (TMA) and awarded Accreditation with Commendation for 6 years as a provider of continuing medical education (CME) for physicians. TMA accreditation seeks to assure the medical community and the public that South Coastal AHEC delivers education that is relevant to clinicians’ needs, evidence-based, evaluated for its effectiveness, and independent of commercial influence

Continuing Education Unit:

The Centralized Training Infrastructure for Evidence Based Practices is a provider of continuing education for the following clinical licenses: Psychologists, Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC), Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselors (LCDC) and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapy (LMFT) Counselors.

CHW CEs (non-DSHS) will be offered through South Coastal AHEC training center #47.